Do homework assignments have a significant impact on student learning?

January 22, 2018

Homework and academic achievement: A meta-analytic review of research

This study from Turkey looks at the effect of homework on students’ academic achievement. This meta-analysis attempts to answer to the question: “What kind of effect does homework assignment have on students’ academic achievement levels?” The effect size of homework on student achievement was determined to be a small effect size, d = 0.229. Despite the significant time students spend on homework, this study supports previous research that suggest these efforts only have a modest effect. Successful use of homework requires making smart choices about when to assign homework and how much to assign. To maximize the impact, teachers must grade homework assignments promptly and provide timely feedback. Unless these rules are followed, homework unsurprisingly achieves poor results (See Wing Institute Homework Abstract).

Citation: Bas, G., Senturk, C., & Cigerci, F. M. (2017). Homework and academic achievement: A meta-analytic review of research. Issues in Educational Research, 27(1), 31-50.
