Summit 2011
Sixth Annual Summit on Evidence-based Education
Performance Feedback: Using Data to Improve Educator Performance
April 21, 2011
8:30 | Performance Feedback from a Global Perspective |
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View Randy Keyworth's paper | |
Randy Keyworth, The Wing Institute | |
Keyworth shared information about the Wing Institute and demographics of the Summit participants. He introduced the Summit topic by reviewing recent feedback on U.S. school performance from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) examinations and detailed performance reports on the education systems from 34 participating countries. | |
9:00 | Feedback as Education Reform: What We Know |
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View Jack States' paper | |
Jack States, The Wing Institute | |
States introduced research documenting the importance of feedback on overall behavior in general, and at different levels of school districts—student, staff, system—in particular. He examined the impact of various feedback strategies, feedback tools, and what characteristics make feedback effective. He finished by examining issues such as feedback frequency, immediacy, content, and reliability. | |
9:15 | Treatment Integrity as a Focus for Feedback |
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Ronnie Detrich, The Wing Institute | |
Detrich discussed the difficulty of using high stakes testing as a basis for performance feedback (either for students or teachers). He reviewed the function of feedback and research about what is the least and most effective strategies for improving and maintaining skill acquisition. He finished with an examination of the challenges of getting and sustaining treatment integrity, and taking treatment integrity measurement to scale. | |
10:00 | Seeking the Magic Metric: Using Evidence to Identify and Track School System Progress |
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View Mary Beth Celio's paper | |
Mary Beth Celio, Northwest Decision Resources |
Ms. Celio discussed the search for a "magic metric" in education: an index/number that would be generally accepted as the most efficient descriptor of school's performance in a district. She presented a graphically compelling description of a district's status and progress on a limited number of proven indicators of success across school levels. She also discussed the challenges and opportunities of implementing such systems at the school level. | |
11:00 | Work Group: Identifying Metrics at the District Level |
Using guidelines presented by Dr. Celio, each work group was given the task of identifying metrics that are quantifiable and available to the district on an ongoing basis. The groups then discussed opportunities and obstacles for implementing the metrics in a complex system. | |
12:40 | Performance Feedback in Education: On Who and For What |
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View Aubrey Daniels' paper | |
Aubrey Daniels, Ph.D, Aubrey Daniels International | |
Dr. Daniels discussed the importance of feedback in education reviewed the scientific model of behavior change (antecedent, behavior, consequences). He examined the similarities between cascading ABCs typically used in businesses and their application to education. He shared a five-step behavior management process: pinpoint, measure, feedback, reinforce, evaluate. He finished with several assessment tools including the PIC/NIC Analysis, the ABC Analysis, and the Initiative and Project Implementation Assessment. | |
1:40 | Work Group: Completing Organizational Assessment Tools |
Each group was given the task complete the Initiative and Project Implementation Assessment tool on a specific initiative from their organization. The group was then asked to complete a PIC/NIC assessment for a specific work scenario. | |
2:00 | Using Performance Feedback to Improve Teacher Effectiveness |
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View Amanda VanDerHeyden's paper | |
Amanda VanDerHeyden, Ph.D, Education Research and Consulting, Inc. | |
Dr. VanDerHeyden will examine intervention and instruction failures, describe common misperceptions and misattributions that lead implementers toward ineffective plans for addressing intervention failures, and describe concrete steps that implementers can take to improve the results of their instruction and intervention in classrooms. |